Unless the entire tank is infected, quarantine the sick golden fish and place them in a hospital tank. This will make the treatment of common goldfish diseases much easier. As mentioned above, you don’t want to treat healthy fish unnecessarily. Ich, also called white spot disease, appears as white spots on the side of the fish.
These spots are about the size of salt grains and are actually parasites called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Ich spreads quickly and is very deadly to goldfish if not treated. Cyclides, especially discus and Oscars, are the fish breeds most affected by this condition. Vitamin deficiencies, low quality food and unhealthy water conditions can contribute to this condition. You will notice injuries that appear as small holes in the head of your fish and in the sidelines. If you notice such injuries, perform a water change of 30 to 50 percent, also checking the pH and temperature of the water.
Remove the carbon filter and turn off the UV sterilizer. Many bacterial infections are misdiagnosed as fungi, so common medications are both fungicide and antibiotics. Tetra Fungus Guard® contains green and formalin malachite; Treat one tablet every 10 gallons once every 4 days until symptoms disappear. Eliminate activated carbon and make partial water changes between treatments.
Secondary infections are also common and can be treated with antibiotics or general treatments such as Tetra Fungus Guard®. External treatments are challenging; Preventive care with regular water changes, preservation of the ideal aquarium chemistry and addition of aquarium salt is recommended. Antibiotics injections or foods are more effective, but some broad spectrum antibiotics can help, such as Tetra Fungus Guard®.
By feeding them dry grains, the grains would then soak in water and expand in the intestinal tract. Also, poor water quality can cause bacterial infections in the swim bladder, resulting in inflammation of the bladder. Anchor worm treatment – Treat the aquarium with 1/2 teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon. Salt will help prevent secondary infections and future repackaging of parasites.
As with most parasites, ich remains invisible in the early stages of its life cycle. Therefore, it is initially almost impossible to detect a fish or object affected by it. In fact, you will only see signs of white spot disease when parasites enter the final stage of your feed cycle.
There are multiple infections that can have direct consequences for poor water quality. If you know what the parameters are, you can immediately start improving the water quality. Treating your golden fish for a disease, but leaving them in poor water thức ăn cho cá cảnh quality, will destroy the purpose of the treatment. Water tests are one of the first things I do when my fish is stressed (like most fish, goldfish don’t tolerate ammonia and nitrite at all). Read my water parameter guide here for more information.
Viruses are small organisms that invade and begin to replicate fish cells. They can be difficult to diagnose because they often cause symptoms similar to many other fish diseases. Viral infections are well documented in koi and goldfish, as well as in angel fish, but can affect all aquarium fish.
If you do not quarantine new fish or plants, you may notice an outbreak of anchor worms after a week or two. You may also be at risk for other common diseases of goldfish if you are not quarantined. If you notice a problem with your fisheye, remove all sharp objects from the tank and see if there is an attacker. It is best to keep your fish in the quarantine tank until they have healed and feed them with high quality food. Keep in mind that there may be an underlying bacterial infection, so don’t skip the quarantine step. We recommend a 30 to 50 percent water change and an antibacterial option treatment, such as Furan 2.