The Top 10 Shillong teers who know everything about the city!

Introduction: If you want to know everything about Shillong, there’s only one person you need to speak to: the top teers in town. From politics to culture, these locals know all there is to know about the city and its people. So whether you’re looking for tips on where to go for a date or just general information, these experts will have your back. So whether you’re looking for tips on where to go for a date or just general information, these experts will have your back.

How the Top 10 Shillong teers know everything about the city.

1. The top Shillong teers know everything about the city’s history, culture, and attractions.

2. They also have a strong understanding of the city’s current state and what needs to be done to improve it.

3. Some of the top Shillong teers are also well-versed in business and have an eye for detail when planning their trips.

4. If you want to get a little more out of your visit to Shillong, these insights will give you some good ideas!

Who is the city’s most famous resident.

1. Shillong teer, Mr. Tong

2. Ms. Lee, the city’s first female councillor

3. The president of Teestown E-commerce Company

4. The singer and songwriter Lim Cheng Hee

5. The actor Ngoc Vinh

6. The author and journalist Khin Soi Lai

7. The TV personality Prawin Thapa

8. The singer and songwriter, Jey Singh

9. The actor and comedian, Deo Loh Siang

10. The CEO of the city’s only book store, Loh Paper Book store

Who is the city’s most famous resident.

The most famous resident of Shillong is the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Deepika Padukone is the most famous resident of Shillong. S. P. Malli is the most famous resident of Shillong. A. S. Salim is the most famous resident of Shillong Teer and also CEO of Doordarshan, a broadcaster in India. Ram Nath Kovind is the current president of India and also the founder and CEO of Janta Party, a political party in India. Deepika Padukone is an actress who was born in Shillong and has since performed all over India and in multiple languages including Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Marathi.

Who is the city’s most popular tourist attraction.

Doordarshan Media Centre is the most popular tourist attraction in Shillong. It is home to the state-owned Doordarshan TV channel, as well as a number of other cultural and educational institutions. The attraction has been praised for its interactive programming, unique architecture, and fascinating history.

Shrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is also a popular tourist attraction in Shillong. The shrine is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which took place on 25 February 1984. This event marked the end of martial law in India and ushered in a new era of democracy.

The Unesco World Heritage Site, the Shillong Cathedral, is also a popular tourist attraction in Shillong. The Cathedral was built between 1931 and 1934 and is one of the oldest Catholic churches in India. The cathedral features intricate designed features and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.

Chinatown is also a popular tourist destination in Shillong. Chinatown offers shoppers special deals on products and services related to Chinatown’s rich history and culture. The shopping district also has numerous restaurants and cafes that serve delicious local dishes.

Pear Harbour is another popular tourist destination in Shillonght. The harbour was once used as an ammunition dump before becoming an important commercial center during British colonial times. Nowadays, it serves as a business district for Shillong city centre.

What are the city’s top businesses.

In terms of the city’s most popular business, the garment manufacturing industry is responsible for a large chunk of the revenue. This industry produces a range of products, from clothing to sportswear. The industry is also responsible for creating jobs in the city, and it employs a large number of people.

In addition to the garment manufacturing industry, other businesses that are highly popular in Shillong include tourism and real estate. These industries are responsible for making Shillong a popular tourist destination and contributing to its economy. Additionally, construction is another major sector in Shillong’s economy, accounting for a significant portion of both economic and social output. All these businesses contribute to the city’s overall wealth and stability.


Shillong is the most popular city in India and home to some of the most famous residents in the country. With a rich history and many attractions to offer visitors, Shillong is an ideal place to call home. The city’s businesses are some of the most popular in India, and its tourism industry is highly respected. The city also has a strong real estate sector, which makes it an attractive location for businesses looking to set up shop.